How to Create an App Install Campaign in Google Search

Mobile app install ads link to your app's listing on Google Play or the Apple App store and can run on the Google Search Network. They allow users to install your app directly from your ad. Based on where your ad appears, any original content may be added to, removed, or modified during the ad serving process. Google Ads does this to help make sure that users get a great experience from your ad, no matter when and where they see it.

We will go through the setup process of a search campaign where searchers can download your app when they click on the app extension. 

Quick Navigation

1. Campaign

2. Ad Group

3. Responsive Search Ad


 First of all, we need to make sure that we are in Expert Mode. If you are still in Smart Mode, please switch to Expert Mode. 


You need to find and click the link that says, 'Switch to Expert Mode'. 




To set up an app install ad extension for a search campaign, click ‘Campaigns’ followed by ‘New campaign’. 

 create a new campaign in Google Ads


 get leads and other conversions by encouraging customers to take action 

There are multiple objectives available, and I normally choose ‘Leads’ as my objective.

 click continue to proceed to the next step 

Then click ‘Continue’.


 reach customers interested in your product or service with text ads 

You’ll be asked to select a campaign type – click ‘Search’.


When asked to select the way(s) to reach your goal,  

Choose ‘App downloads’. 

Choose app downloads as a way to reach your goal 



Depending on your app, 

select iOS or Android as your mobile app platform 


You can choose either iOS or Android.

Then look up your app by typing in the name in the search bar. 

search your app in iOS or Android platform 

Especially when you have multiple apps with similar names, be sure to pick the right app that you want to promote.

Enter your campaign name.

 enter your Google Ads campaign name 

Then click ‘Continue’.

 click continue to proceed to the next step 

You will be brought to budget and bidding.

 setting an average daily budget 

Set an affordable average daily budget for you.

For bidding,

 Select maximise clicks as a bid strategy 

Assuming no conversion data, focus on clicks.

 set maximum cpc bid limit and enter the maximum amount you are willing to pay per click 

Check the box that says ‘Set a maximum cost per click bid limit’ then enter your maximum CPC bid limit e.g., $1.50. This is the highest amount per click that Google can legally charge you, but very often the actual cost per click will be lower than what you bid.

Next is ad rotation.

 ad rotation can be left at default meaning Google will show the better performing ad more 

You can leave it as default, but I would prefer to rotate ads indefinitely.

 click next to proceed to the next step 

Click ‘Next’.

Under Networks,

 do not include Google Search Partners 

Do NOT include Google search partners because keyword matching does not work outside Google SERPs.

 do not include Google Display Network 

Do NOT include Google Display Network because we are running a search campaign and it’s a bad idea to mix search with display ads. If I really need to, I would rather setup a separate campaign to focus on the Display Network. We need to keep our campaigns segmented so we know where our advertising dollars are giving the best results.

For Locations, 

Select the location where your Google Ads will be served 

Select Singapore.


Under Languages,

 type in or select the languages that your customers speak 

Select the language that your customers speak. If you have an English app, select English but do not mix languages here i.e., only select one language so it’s easier to troubleshoot if your campaign is not getting results.

For audience segments

select your audience segment to further define your target persona 

We can skip this first and select audiences later.


For Dynamic Search Ads setting, 

setting for dynamic search ads DSA 

We can skip this because we are creating Responsive Search Ads.


For start and end dates,

 define the start and end dates of your ads 

You do not have to set an end date if you don’t plan to stop at a certain date.


For Ad Schedule, 

Define the days and hours for your ads to be served 

You don’t have to change this if you want your ads to run 24/7.

For campaign URL options, 

tracking template, final URL suffix and custom parameters 

You can skip this if you don’t have a tracking template.

 click next to proceed to the next step 

Click ‘Next’.

 Ad Group

You’ll be brought to keywords and ads.

 planning your Ad Group  

change the name to suit theme of the ad group 

Edit the ad group name for easier reference.

To get keyword ideas:

 ways to get suggested keywords for your ads 

  • You can enter your web page URL or someone else’s web page that is related to what you are promoting
  • Enter the product or service you are offering
  • Leverage the Google Keyword Planner Tool

In this illustration,

 input a URL to get suggestion for keyword ideas 

Enter the URL then click ‘Get keywords’.

 what Google thinks a web page URL that a user inputs is about 

You will see a list of keywords that Google thinks are relevant to the URL you entered.

 include only keywords that are related to what you are promoting 

Proceed to clean up the list to remove keywords that are unlikely to result in a conversion.


 the 3 different match types of a particular keyword 

Proceed to include notations for the different match types so you have Broad Match, Phrase Match and Exact Match versions of the keyword.


Include your negative keyword if you can anticipate them. Place a minus sign (-) in front of the keyword to make it negative.

 put a minus sign to make a keyword negative 



Next is your Responsive Search Ad.

 enter the final URL and display path of your ad 

Enter your final URL and display path.


Enter your headline.

 input the first headline of your ad 

Ensure your position 1 headline contains the words that you are bidding.


You can click the pin icon and pin the Headline to only show in position 1.

how to pin a headline to a certain position   

 get headline suggestions with top keywords 

Click ‘More ideas’ to get more headline ideas.

Fill up the rest of the headlines.

 responsive search ad headlines 

How to get ideas for RSA descriptions 

Likewise, for descriptions, you can get more ideas by clicking ‘View ideas’ then simply include them in your ad copy.  

 mobile preview of a responsive search ad 

On the right, you see a preview of how your ad can appear if it gets approved. 

click done to complete RSA setup 

Click ‘Done’ when you are done.

Then click ‘Next’.

 click next to complete ad group setup  

Next comes Extensions.

 more ad extensions 

Click ‘More extensions’.

 how to create an app extension to your ad 

Click ‘App extensions’.

Select the type of app that is applicable to your business i.e., iOS or Android or both. 

 iOS app and Android app extensions  

Preview of how your app extension looks like when attached to your ad 

Click ‘Preview’ to see how your app extension looks like. 

Under ‘New app extension’ and ‘Device preference’,

 click to add new app extension 

check the box to exclude tablet users from seeing your ad 


You have the option to exclude tablets. This will make sense if you have data that tablet users do not convert well. Otherwise, you should not exclude tablets.


 click next to proceed to the next step

Then click ‘Next’.

 Advertiser to review and double-check details before publishing campaign 

Review your campaign:

Double-check your details before you publish.

If everything is in order,

 click 'publish campaign' to get it reviewed by Google before going live 

Click ‘Publish campaign’. Google will review your campaign and when approved, your ad will go live. 

It is also good to know: 

How to Build a Successful Online Business By Leveraging Done-For-You Business Systems Almost Effortlessly – Even If You Know Nothing About HTML!

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